Windows 365 Business
Windows 365 — это первый в мире облачный компьютер. Windows 365 транслирует ваш рабочий стол Windows, приложения, параметры и содержимое из облака на любое устройство, обеспечивая их полную безопасность.
0.00 KZT /месяц
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Windows 365 — это первый в мире облачный компьютер. Windows 365 транслирует ваш рабочий стол Windows, приложения, параметры и содержимое из облака на любое устройство, обеспечивая их полную безопасность. Облачный ПК предоставляет потребителям виртуальную среду, с помощью которой можно передавать интерфейс Windows из Microsoft Cloud на любое устройство.<br> <br>Облачный ПК Windows — это трансформация операционной системы с привязкой к устройству в гибридную персонализированную систему вычисления. Гибридность в контексте облачного ПК относится к клиентской ОС Windows.<br> <br> <b>Для любых организаций</b><br> Windows 365 подходит организациям любого размера, которым нужны безопасные и гибкие гибридные рабочие решения для удаленных и локальных сотрудников или специализированных рабочих нагрузок с универсальными возможностями вычислений и хранения данных, доступные на любом устройстве. Windows 365 для бизнеса предназначена для клиентов, которые хотят развернуть облачный ПК в организации до 300 мест. <br/>
Сравнить планы
  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB пробный на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    0.00 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    16260.27 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    17786.13 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    18466.02 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    20199.48 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    22358.52 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    22867.14 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    25394.67 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    25970.76 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    27444.72 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    31165.95 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    35572.26 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    40149.84 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    40398.96 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    45594.15 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    53363.58 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    60598.44 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    64542.84 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    69115.23 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    73293.18 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    78488.37 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    82328.97 KZT /месяц
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  • Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    93492.66 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    142808.04 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    158673.87 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB годовой с оплатой за год NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    162114.84 KZT /месяц
    НДС включен
  • Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB помесячный с оплатой на месяц NCE

    Windows 365 Business gives you up to 300 licenses for Cloud PCs in your organization. Securely stream your Windows experience - including your personalized apps, content, and settings – from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.

    180129.33 KZT /месяц
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